
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Disabled children face discrimination in South African schools


  1. kenyan delegationDecember 01, 2015

    The Kenyan delegation thinks that children with disabilities should be able to study like all the others and have at its disposal facilities and appropriate teachers for them.
    We also believe that these improvements should be accessible to all disabled people.
    The Kenyan delegation also believes that although it is good that children with disabilities be adjacent to other children should have an exclusive education, because exclusive education is not the privilege is a right.

  2. Belarús think that the disabled children need to go to a mainstream school because they need normal friends and normal education, But we also think that the schools with disabled children need specials teachers to help them.But, nowadays many schools don't have special teachers, so the families with disabled children need to go far away from its houses and they pay many money.

  3. Belarús think that the disabled children need to go to a mainstream school because they need normal friends and normal education, But we also think that the schools with disabled children need specials teachers to help them.But, nowadays many schools don't have special teachers, so the families with disabled children need to go far away from its houses and they pay many money.

  4. Nicaragua DelegationDecember 14, 2015

    The video discusses the problems of schooling that have children with disabilities in South Africa. These children have little access to regular schools and are forced to go to special schools. These schools are far, often parents have to pay and also the teachers are not prepared to teach these guys. The Delegation of Nicaragua believes that the government should take action in this matter: they sould create special schools, should provide financial assistance to parents, teachers should be better prepared. So these children should finish their basic studies.

  5. This video is about disabled children have problems in their schools but not everything is bad, these children can be related with normal children as we all should.Tanzania Delegation thinks all the children should have the same education as the other choldren.Having said that the disable children have to have a species of helps like teachers spelialized intheir disabilities.

  6. Montenegro DelegationDecember 18, 2015

    The Montenegro delegation thinks that the disabled children should go to a mainstream school, because they can meet other children that haven't got any disability. If they do not, they will not interact with "normal" children. The mainstream schools are closer to villages or towns, and they're cheaper than special schools. But there are disadvantages too. The special schools have teachers specialized in help disabled children with their issues.
    But, we think that the specialized schools should close and this teachers go to a local school.

  7. The Laos' delegation thinks that it's so important that every child, with or without disabilities, can have an education but it's important too that they feel "normal", because they arent strange, they are just handicapped. Laos thinks that children without disabilities can also go to special schools, because in this way handicapped children feel normal and children without disabilities realize that they aren't strange. Laos also thinks that it's better that children without disablities go to special school because, for example a child in a wheelchair can't climb stairs, but a "normal" child can go up an incline. That's all, thanks for your attention.

  8. Finland thinks that in South Africa, more than a half of million disabled children continue to be left out of education. According to the video this children should go to school with the rest of children. Because it would provide them a better education and they would get better integration in their daily lifes.
    Besides, in South Africa, there are few special schools, and they are very expensive and families can't afford it.

  9. SUDAN

    The delegation of Sudan thinks that disabled children must go to a public school, because in the future they are going to relate with "normal" children, so it is important to meet and talk to these people.
    Also, these schools are near their houses and they are cheaper than special schools.
    However, the delegation of Sudan thinks that it's important to these children to have an especial education, with good teachers.
    They also need to be waited and they must be care.
    In conclusion , we believe that these teachers specialize in teaching disabled children should go to local schools.

  10. TURKMENISTANDecember 20, 2015


    The delegation of Turkmenistan thinks that children with disabilities should be able to go to a mainstream school with specialized teachers to help them and tools to learn like the other children in the centre. The idea of going to a special school is not that bad, it´s just that some families can not afford it.

  11. Delegetion of ZambiaDecember 20, 2015

    The delegation of Zambia thinks that there are not enough special schools to disabled children and the mainstream schools don't admit them. It is important that the children go to mainstream schools because so, they would have''normal'' friends. Also theese special schools are very far away, and the cost is higher.
    The education in mainstream schools is not a privilege, it is a right that the sudafrican goverment should provide.

    Jorge García Rodríguez
    Álvaro Castillo Conde

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Colombia:

    The delegation of Colombia thinks that all children with disabilities can study and have the same rights as other children. We think it's good for special children to stay in a normal colege, to play as other child and to have "normal friends". The special education it's normally expensive and schools are sometimes very far . The education it's a right for all children in the world , with or without disabilities!

    Lucia Romo
    Cristina Sierra

  14. East Timor DelegationDecember 21, 2015

    East Timor thinks that is important that all children go to a mainstream schools so they can have normal friends and a normal life. However is true that some teachers do not know how to teach these children, so we think that some teachers from special schools should go to mainstream schools. We think as well that public transport should be used to help the children who live far away.

  15. The delegation of India thinks that all children should have en equal education but, at present, at least 500.000 children with disabilities remain left out of the mainstream education system, and that’s unacceptable for everyone.

    Parents have not enough choices, because many special schools are extremely expensive, and are located far away from city.
    Besides, when a mainstream school lets disabled children study, it often charges a fee, so parents often cannot afford that money.

    There are educational benefits of putting kids with or without disabilities together.
    They could learn about diversity, but that isn’t happening in the case of hundreds of thousands of children with disabilities in SA.

    In an inclusive mainstream school, children with disabilities could have the opportunity of having trained teachers to help them on their lessons and to teach them how to have a normal life with other kids, they could also have facilities in the classroom to support their needings.

    Guillermo Gañán Lomba and Lucía González Bustamante
