
Wednesday 30 November 2016

Down to Sally Gardens

Beautiful traditional Irish song performed by our 2ºESO students.
  Recorded November 2016


We all know this tune from the Eurovision song contest. But who wrote it?
Answer: Charpentier as a prelude to his "Te Deum".

Champions League

Here you are. The dilemma that kept us in suspense: Where does the music from the Champions League come from?

Answer: "Zadok the priest", by German baroque composer G.F. Haendel

Saturday 5 November 2016

Hello Manchester!

From now on, we are invited to work hand in hand with our colleagues from Manchester, U.K.
    To start with, you can post something in these two Padlets:
           - The one about Santander (click here)
           - The one about Manchester (click here)

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Tres Hojitas, by 2ºESO Students

Beautiful Castillian folk song "Tres hojitas" (three leaves) performed by 2ºESO students from IES Villajunco. Recorded Oct.2016

Tuesday 4 October 2016

What is Global Classrooms?

... and more about the Millenium Development Goals here:

Let's speak out about inequality

Today we are going to debate about Gender Inequality. Find out some data on the issue with these three videos:

Saturday 24 September 2016

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Gregorian Chant

Music from the Middle Ages have something magical. This is one of the best recordings of such a beautiful and spiritual kinds of music

Happy to see you all again!!!

Welcome everyone to the school year 16-17. Let's start with something energetic: Have a look at this fantastic version of 'Viva la vida' by violin player David Garrett.

Friday 17 June 2016

See u soon!

Dear students:
   It's been a hard-working school year, packed with activities, emotions, papers, recorders, sandwich-points, chores, positive marks, position papers, G-clefs, Romantic composers, delays, laughter, notes, and... above all: MUSIC.
   I just want to tell you it's been a pleasure spending this time with you. Good bye and good luck.

(Now go and read the lyrics of this beautiful song)

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Wednesday 6 April 2016


Students from 2º ESO playing a Mozart-Style piece for recorder and piano.
Recorded March 2016.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Computer music workshop 2016

Here we go again. Explore some good apps to make music online (for free)

Theremin: un emulador del instrumento inventado hace tres cuartos de siglo en la Unión Soviética

Lo mas simple. Una matriz donde cada recuadro es un tono

La aportación de Google al sonido y la música:

Caja de ritmos virtual:

Los alucinantes cubos de la música electrónica!

El increible poder del BeatBox:

Un secuenciador: Coloca las notas en los recuadros y escucha el resultado:

Un estudio de grabación bastante completito: coloca los sonidos en cada pista y construye tu propia canción:

Escribe e imprime tus partituras como un profesional:

Sunday 13 March 2016

Music and sound by Google

Lots of fun with this little app that shows us some basic concepts about music and sound:
Amusement guaranteed!!!

Global Classrooms 2016

Global Classrooms 2016 is almost over. Our students have been working really hard this year. Watch some pictures of our activity here:

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Let's play some classical music

Can you play this tune with your recorder? It is inspired in Mozart's music.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Computer music!!

Estos divertidos personajes que harán el ritmo que les pidas con su beatbox:
 Un sintetizador que te permite hacer ritmos y acompañamientos. También hiper-fácil. Además se puede manejar directamente con el teclado de tu ordenador, sin utilizar el ratón:

Una pianola: primero colocas las notas en el orden que quieras y luego escuchas el resultado:

Una matriz de 16 x 16 casillas donde ir colocando los sonidos. Hiper-fácil de utilizar

Un poquito más completa que la anterior pero inspirada en la misma idea:

Estudio de grabación, con sintetizadores, caja de ritmos y secuenciador por pasos:

Editor de partituras online. Muy completo, aunque requiere un poco de práctica para manejarlo

Monday 11 January 2016

En España 1003..."

El divertido diálogo de una mujer despechada por Don Juan y el criado de éste, Leporello, quien le muestra la lista de todas las conquistas de su amo. Perteneciente a la ópera "Don Giovanni", de Mozart

Thursday 7 January 2016

Unforgettable Natalie Cole

Rest in peace, Natalie Cole. We will miss you.
   Not many months ago I was singing this song of yours with my students: L.O.V.E.