
Friday 8 June 2018

Enjoy your summer everybody

 Dear students: it's been a really intense year. We have learned lots of stuff and we've grown in many ways. It has been a great pleasure to work with you all during these last months. Now enjoy your deserved holidays.

Queridos estudiantes: ha sido un curso intensísimo en el que hemos aprendido todos mucho y hemos crecido en todos los sentidos. Ha sido un enorme placer trabajar con vosotros todos estos meses. Ahora disfrutad del merecido descanso


Thursday 7 June 2018

Chariots of fire by our 2ºESO students

recorded in June 2018, this is one of our 'Micrófono abierto' performances. Our students & teachers gather once a week to play music, read poetry, tell stories,....