
Friday 21 February 2014

Las tres hijas del capitán

Fran Llanillo and Pepe Santos playing a composition of their own. The lyrics are taken from a poem by José del Río 'Pick'.
   This is an excerpt of one of our 'Wednesday events on poetry and music' at IES Villajunco.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Let it go

Play this section of the song 'Let it go', from the Disney movie 'Frozen'

Then listen to the piece:

And finally find the hidden words:

The _____ glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a _____________ to be seen.
A kingdom of ___________,
and it looks like I'm the _________

The _________ is howling like this swirling storm ________
Couldn't ________ it in;
Heaven ___________ I've tried
Don't let _________ in,
don't let _________ see
Be the ________ _______ you always have to be
Conceal, don't ________,
don't let them ________
Well now they ________

Let it go, let it go
Can't ________ it back _________
Let it go, let it go
Turn ________ and __________ the door
I don't __________
what they're ________ to ______
Let the __________ rage on.
The cold never ______________ me anyway

Monday 10 February 2014

Se acercan las Marzas

Una tradición muy arraigada en nuestra tierra da la bienvenida al mes de Marzo de una forma muy especial.

Aquí hay una página con mucha información al respecto: